A Shopping Assistant - 8.0 screenshot 1 A Shopping Assistant - 8.0 screenshot 2 A Shopping Assistant - 8.0 screenshot 3 A Shopping Assistant - 8.0 screenshot 4 A Shopping Assistant - 8.0 screenshot 5 A Shopping Assistant - 8.0 screenshot 6 A Shopping Assistant - 8.0 screenshot 7
Supported Devices
May 14,2019
1.42 MB
Release Date
V1.1.0.1 Special release to support Windows Phone 8 screen resolutions.

When shopping for groceries or whatever, A Shopping Assistant is an extremely useful comprehensive set of tools to use in figuring out the single

item cost of like items; one of many items; multiple items with a discount or a single item after a discount

Compare the cost of like items when different amounts and different sizes. Such as something sold by the ounce compared to something sold

by the pound.

What's the cost of a single item when you buy one and get the other at a discount or free? Is it worth it?

What's the cost of a single item when you must buy many for some price? Compare that actual cost with the single item cost someplace else!

What's the cost of a single item after a discount? e.g. What's its cost after 18% discount?

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