8tracks radio

8tracks radio

325 By‪8tracks‬   |   Free

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Supported Devices
May 20,2019
905.9 KB
Release Date
8tracks provides the best music for any taste, time & place.

Need a playlist for the weekend, working out or making out? Do you like deep house or dubstep, indie rock or classic rock, jazz or punk? We’ve got it all in droves -- you can pick from more than 1 million fresh, free playlists, each curated by someone who knows and loves music. Enjoy millions of songs uploaded and curated by people ‘round the world.

What’s different from other internet radio & music apps?

- Free
- No audio ads
- Less repetition
- Music in every genre, for any mood or activity
- Unmatched music discovery
- Talented, passionate DJs “behind the music”
- YouTube & SoundCloud integration

Join 8tracks’ global community of more than 8 million monthly listeners. Tune in for free today.